Coworking Space

As coworking continues to gain popularity, more and more people are raising the question, what exactly is a coworking space? In this comprehensive article, we’ll talk about the basics of a coworking space, how to choose a good one (some things you should look for, some things you should avoid), what types of people can benefit from this sort of space, and we’ll go over any other common questions you might be thinking about. Generally speaking, the definition of coworking is when people assemble

As coworking continues to gain popularity, more and more people are raising the question, what exactly is a coworking space? In this comprehensive article, we’ll talk about the basics of a coworking space, how to choose a good one (some things you should look for, some things you should avoid), what types of people can benefit from this sort of space, and we’ll go over any other common questions you might be thinking about. Generally speaking, the definition of coworking is when people assemble in a neutral space to work independently on different projects, or in groups on the same projects. It’s different than a typical office workspace because the people in a coworking environment generally aren’t working for the same company. Coworking spaces offer the same amenities you would find in a traditional office, along with a lot more. A major differentiator is flexibility, since you don’t need to sign a long-term lease in a coworking space. Every coworking space will always have basics like WiFi, printers, usually some type of conference room… and some will have tea, coffee, and snacks available. Some will have startup resources at your disposal ranging from digital assets, and even coaches and advisors. Some may have 3D printers and other tech that you may not always have access to. Some budget-conscious coworking spaces are more barebones, offering little more than a desk and WiFi.[dt_quote background=”fancy”]Wikipedia: Coworking is the situation in which several workers from different companies share an office space, allowing cost savings and convenience through the use of common infrastructure, such as equipment, utilities, and receptionist and custodial services. There has been an ongoing dispute on whether coworking should be hyphenated or not. So how did this come about? The main reason for the hyphenated term “co-working” was due to the AP Stylebook distributed to journalists worldwide. The Stylebook dictates their preferred spelling and punctuation of commonly used names and words. Basically, the AP Stylebook is in favor of any prefix (like co-owner) and this has been passed down in publications to the term coworking. So, what is the final verdict? Since coworking is a new industry in itself that does not relate to more traditional terms, it should be spelled “coworking”. Read more at:

Coworking Space

As coworking continues to gain popularity, more and more people are raising the question, what exactly is a coworking space? In this comprehensive article, we’ll talk about the basics of a coworking space, how to choose a good one (some things you should look for, some things you should avoid), what types of people can benefit from this sort of space, and we’ll go over any other common questions you might be thinking about.

Generally speaking, the definition of coworking is when people assemble in a neutral space to work independently on different projects, or in groups on the same projects.

It’s different than a typical office workspace because the people in a coworking environment generally aren’t working for the same company.

Coworking spaces offer the same amenities you would find in a traditional office, along with a lot more.

A major differentiator is flexibility, since you don’t need to sign a long-term lease in a coworking space.

Every coworking space will always have basics like WiFi, printers, usually some type of conference room… and some will have tea, coffee, and snacks available.

Some will have startup resources at your disposal ranging from digital assets, and even coaches and advisors.

Some may have 3D printers and other tech that you may not always have access to.

Some budget-conscious coworking spaces are more barebones, offering little more than a desk and WiFi.[dt_quote background=”fancy”]Wikipedia: Coworking is the situation in which several workers from different companies share an office space, allowing cost savings and convenience through the use of common infrastructure, such as equipment, utilities, and receptionist and custodial services.

There has been an ongoing dispute on whether coworking should be hyphenated or not.

So how did this come about? The main reason for the hyphenated term “co-working” was due to the AP Stylebook distributed to journalists worldwide.

The Stylebook dictates their preferred spelling and punctuation of commonly used names and words.

Basically, the AP Stylebook is in favor of any prefix (like co-owner) and this has been passed down in publications to the term coworking.

So, what is the final verdict? Since coworking is a new industry in itself that does not relate to more traditional terms, it should be spelled “coworking”.

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